Hp scanner software mac 10.7
Hp scanner software mac 10.7

hp scanner software mac 10.7

The folder action trick does that when fed a. So, whatever your scanner produces, you'll need to convert to uncompressed TIFF.

hp scanner software mac 10.7

Keep in mind that the basic Tesseract script takes uncompressed TIFF files only. I've also found a GUI interface to the Tesseract OCR script for 10.5 and later: The command-line stuff should work with all versions of OS X, can't see any reason it wouldn't. Sweet!Ĭoumerelli, the folder-actions tricks should work with all OS X versions that support folder actions. Then your scans are automatically OCR'd as they arrive from the scanner. TIF, and then attach another Folder action to its TIF output folder to convert incoming files to text via OCR. sjinsjca*)property done_foldername : "OCR Files"property originals_foldername : "Original Files"property newimage_extension : ""- the list of file types which will be processed- eg: default button 1giving up after 120 end tell end tryend process_itemYou can get fancy and create an output folder for your scanner with a Folder Action selected to convert incoming files to.


If you're going to redistribute the code, we requirethat you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple samplecode, but that you've made changes. You are not permitted toredistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after havingmade changes. This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and theresponsibility for its operation is yours. You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) withoutrestriction.


tif format to PDF usingthe open-source Tesseract OCR engine, © 2002–2007 Apple Inc. (*convert - do ocr via shell scriptThis Folder Action handler is triggered whenever items are added tothe attached folder.The script convert files from uncompressed. Just open the Folder Action script editor and paste the following code in it works beautifully. In this case, I modified the script to call the shell script above.

hp scanner software mac 10.7

tif format just be sure to select no compression.įolder Action OCR: I made a sweet Folder Action script (my very first!) by slightly modifying an existing Folder Action script from Apple which converts file formats by calling a shell script. Or, you can load your scanned image into Preview and Save As to the. tif No matter, Apple's built-in Folder Action which converts images to. Now, my HP all-in-one's scanner produces a few graphics formats including. tif: /usr/local/bin/tesseract someimage.tif someimage_textIt's that easy. tif file named someimage.tif, issue this command while cded to the folder containing the. Terminal: To create a converted text file of name someimage.txt from an uncompressed. There's a quick way with Terminal, and a cool way with Folder Actions I'll describe both. configure$ make$ sudo make installActually, if you're logged in as an Administrator as I recommended, you won't need the sudo). Each will take a minute or two to run: $.

  • Issue the following three commands (without the $ prompt).
  • Open a Terminal window (sorry), and cd ~/Downloads/tesseract-2.04.
  • Copy the contents of the resulting folder to the tessdatasubfolder inside the aforementioned tesseract-2.04 folder. The expansion process will create a new subfolder, tesseract-2.04, inside your Downloads folder.
  • Be logged in to your Mac as an Adminstrator.
  • As always: proceed at your own risk I make no guarantees, and while I have tried to be careful I can't be certain that all the necessary steps are present, or safe, nor can I provide support.

    hp scanner software mac 10.7

    I found that some of the online instructions for deploying and using Tesseract were a little bit confusing and contradictory. At its heart is Tesseract, an open-source OCR engine that originated at HP (how's that for irony) and is currently maintained (and used) by Google. I tried the following, and not only did it work for me, but it was a really sweet solution. In particular, OCR functionality is no longer supported by HP. Those of us who didn't run screaming to Canon or some other brand have made do with a reduced feature-set for our HP printers. Many of us remember our outrage when some HP spokesdrone actually stated that users should buy new printers if they wanted Snow Leopard support. HP's printer software and utilities were replaced with built-in items in OS X Snow Leopard, after a few tense days where HP initially declined to support the new operating system.

    Hp scanner software mac 10.7