If you want to hide the hidden files again, just run this command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NOīONUS: You can change the icon of your executable file in OSX so it looks cuter 😀īut I’ll save that for other post. Now your script can be executed independently outside IDE. If everything goes well, the errors related to import problem should be gone. It should list all the PYTHONPATH you have previously added. Save the file, close and restart Terminal, check if the path is already set up by running command: echo $PYTHONPATH .You can also add the PYTHONPATH for other Python versions you have. PYTHONPATH="/Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH" PATH="/Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/3.4/bin:$" Set the environment setting by adding PYTHONPATH, for example:.You can do it via terminal also by accessing /Users/your_username and edit the bash file with Vi or any editor you like. In finder, go to your home folder, open the.Display hidden files via Terminal by executing this command:ĭefaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES.But after patiently digging Stackoverflow and random blogpost, I managed to construct the solution that works! It’s quite annoying that there is no straightforward answer to this. bash_profile in various location to no avail. I have tried adding and looking for the path in. There is no set standard, there are too many ways.
It took almost half day and countless trial and error to figure out again the correct way (especially in OSX)–which is pretty hellish to be honest. Worse, I didn’t bother to document it back then (stupid meee! 😦 ). Unfortunately I have already installed Anaconda, which installs python 3.6.3, and changes things so that the command python xxx.py automatically runs xxx.py using python 3.6.3. I think this is the python located in /usr/bin/python.
I remembered setting up a PYTHONPATH during my previous project, but since I only need to do it once and it had been so long time ago, I forgot how to do it. &0183 &32 I want to install pip for python 2.7 on my Mac. Not to mention, Linux and OSX requires slightly different steps. You need to know where the correct config file is located and modify it manually. But in UNIX-based OS, it can be quite tricky. In Windows, the Environmental Setting is pretty easy to configure. Turns out that P圜harm somehow takes care of the Environmental Setting automatically, which is not the case when the script is run independently outside the IDE. Then, here comes the problem: my script couldn’t locate all the Python libraries I used. Everything worked well, until I tested the executable file (which I’d need so the script can be put on OSX dock and executed by double-click). After finishing the script, I ran it on P圜harm.
In addition, this time I tried writing my code with P圜harm instead of the usual Sublime editor. Also, I don’t want to lose my prior knowledge about web automation–so I made a script to automate few repetitive tasks I’ve been doing for some time. I wanted to refresh my Python skill after too much working with MATLAB for the past few months. Yesterday, I worked on my personal (random) project in Python. Since this post might be useful for English speaker as well, I’ll write this post in English.